Options Glossary

Options Glossary Category

Brutus Options Ranker Key Concepts
AJAX progress indicator
  • b
  • Brutus Options Ranker Calculation
  • c
  • Criteria Group
    A Group in your Brutus Options Ranker strategy gives you a way to organize similar criteria into a branch in your strategy tree. This keeps your strategy tree organized and allows you to assess the rank of the group by using sub-criteria.
  • d
  • 30 Day Implied Volatility [underlying]
    The 30 Day Implied Volatility [underlying] is the interpolated implied volatility forecasted over the coming 30 days for the underlying. This provides a VIX-type volatility measure to individual underlying.
  • g
  • Group
    A Group in your Brutus Options Ranker strategy gives you a way to organize similar criteria into a branch in your strategy tree. This keeps your strategy tree organized and allows you to assess the rank of the group by using sub-criteria.
  • m
  • Mid Price
    The Mid Price is the price between the bid and ask prices currently on offer for either an underlying security or option contact/spread. This is a good target for a limit price placed in any order that involves the underlying stock.
  • n
  • Net-Long Setups
    A Net-Long Setup is any options trading position which has a higher value of long contracts vs. short contracts in your spread.
  • Net-Short Setup
    A Net-Short Setup is any options trading position which has a higher value of short contracts vs. long contracts in your spread. When these positions are opened, the trader will be paid a credit.
  • o
  • Option Trader
    The trader who buys and sells call and put options in the options market.[click to read more]
  • Options Spread
    Setups are a specific combination of options contracts that matches a strategic objective. Setups are sometimes referred to as spreads or "strategies" (not to be confused with a Brutus Options Ranking strategy).
  • Options Trading
    Options trading is the activity of buy and selling standardized equity options contracts. Options trading is unique to stock trading in two main ways. [click to read more]
  • p
  • Put Option
    A put option contract gives the owner the right (but not the obligation) to sell 100 shares of the asset at the strike price any time before expiration. If you sell a put option, you have the obligation to purchase those 100 shares from the owner.
  • Put Ratio Backspread
    An option trading strategy in which credit is received by the trader by writing some In The Money (ITM) or At The Money (ATM) puts against buying more Out of The Money (OTM) puts. With this strategy most gains are made if the underlying stock breaks to downside, and lim[click to read more]
  • Put Ratio Spread
    An option strategy which makes money if the underlying decreases in price within an expected range and experiences a loss if the underlying decreases in price beyond the expected range. This position is created by buying an In The Money (ITM) or At The Money (ATM) put [click to read more]
  • r
  • Return
    Return is the expected or potential profit that can be realized by an options trade.
  • s
  • Options Setup
    Setups are a specific combination of options contracts that matches a strategic objective. Setups are sometimes referred to as spreads or "strategies" (not to be confused with a Brutus Options Ranking strategy).
  • Spread
    Setups are a specific combination of options contracts that matches a strategic objective. Setups are sometimes referred to as spreads or "strategies" (not to be confused with a Brutus Options Ranking strategy).
  • Strategy Group
    A Group in your Brutus Options Ranker strategy gives you a way to organize similar criteria into a branch in your strategy tree. This keeps your strategy tree organized and allows you to assess the rank of the group by using sub-criteria.
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