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Knowledge Base Topics: 9. Brutus Strategy Templates

Ranker Strategy Templates

Here you’ll find available Brutus Options Ranker Strategy Templates, Framework Strategies, and Pre-made Strategies available in the Options Screener app.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Small Account Bull Put Spread Strategy

This premade strategy focuses on Bull Put spread opportunities that could be suitable for beginner options traders.

The strategy has multitudes of filters to minimize the evaluation of higher-risk trades. Read the full strategy description for more information important for beginner traders.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Iron Condor Standard Premade Strategy

This strategy can be customized or used outright to find iron condor candidates with relatively high implied volatility rank.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Low Vol OTM Short Put Calendars

Looking for low volatility short put calendars with a large run-up resulting in low volatility and therefore presenting opportunity for a pullback with vol expansion suitable for a OTM Put Calendar.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Premium Selling Starting Framework (Premium Users)

This is a premium framework for setups looking to sell premium against high implied volatility. The template includes additional considerations and premium criteria only available to premium members.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Premade Short Put Strategy

This strategy is a pre-weighted version of the Short Put Template and is ready for instant results.

You can follow the daily trade results or customize to your own trading preferences.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Premade Bull Put Spread

This strategy is a pre-weighted version of the Standard Bull Put Spread Template and is ready for instant results.

You can follow the daily trade results or customize to your own trading preferences.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Onboarding Strategy Results Intro

This strategy is used to give you a basic walk-through of the features in a standard strategy results. Go through the results of this strategy will give you a full walk-through of the features contained in your Brutus Options Ranker strategy results.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Slightly OTM Put Calendar

A premade strategy looking for stocks that have recently had a run-up in price and are due for a slight pull-back and expansion in volatility.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Short Put Strategy on Dividend Dominators Weight to Customize

This is a great full strategy that looks to write short puts on great dividend paying stocks. This allows the trader to collect premiums as well as dividends in the event they get assigned the underlying stock.

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Brutus Strategy Templates

Tiny Account Bull Put Spread

A framework strategy to find bull put spreads with low margin requirements suitable for small accounts. This is a great strategy to get started as it is limited to defined risk spreads. Stick with companies you like and trade small!

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