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Knowledge Base Topics: 7. Brutus Ticker Groups

Ranker Ticker Groups

Here you’ll find information on all Ticker Groups available in the Brutus Options Ranker. These tell Brutus which underlying stocks and ETFs to evaluate options against.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

Financial & Bank Tickers

A collection of financial service and bank stocks that tend to perform well in rising interest rate environments. This ticker group is reviewed daily and limited to 30 of best candidates. The intersection with the OptionAutomator master ticker list may give less than 30 tickers on any given day.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

Berkshire Hathaway Tickers

Berkshire Hathaway is led by Warren Buffett, who is one of the most famous and successful investors. Warren is known for his value investing and long-term outlook on the stock market. Such a long-term outlook may seem contrary to the typical options trader's mentality, but options can be used strategically around a long-term stocks to enter positions at a discount or increase yield on existing positions.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

S&P 500 Tickers

This ticker group is made up of the 505 common stocks issued by the 500 large-cap companies in the S&P 500 Index. The index covers around 80% of the American equity market by capitalization and many of the stocks have options. The 30 companies in the DOW are also included in this index. The actual number of tickers used in the ranker will be less than the 505 stocks listed as only the intersection with OptionAutomator's master ticker list will be included.

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Brutus Ticker Groups


This ticker group represents the intersection of top 100 capitalization-weighted companies in the NASDAQ index with the OptionAutomator's master ticker list. Companies found in the NASDAQ index (around 3000 companies) differs from other indices in that the NASDAQ includes 8 companies incorporated outside the United States and has almost a complete lack of financial companies. The index also tends to be heavily weighted in high-tech stocks and considered more risky than the DOW and S&P 500 indices.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

S&P 100

This ticker group is the intersection of the OptionAutomator's master ticker list with the S&P 100. The S&P 100 is a subset of leading stocks in the S&P 500 index with exchange-listed options. Constituents of the S&P 100 are selected for sector balance and represent about two-thirds of the market capitalization of the S&P 500 and over half of the market capitalization of the U.S. equity markets.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

50% and Lower IV Rank

Underlyings demonstrating current 1y IV Rank lower than 50%. Good for time spreads (calendars) and debit/directional spreads.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

All Underlyings

This market group contains all tickers available during the OptionAutomator Beta. This group was updated and expanded in March 2019.

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Brutus Ticker Groups

75% and Higher IV Rank

Underlying stocks and ETFs demonstrating current 1y IV Rank greater than 75% (very high IVR). Good for premium-selling strategies.

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Brutus Ticker Groups


A collection of ETFs with good liquidity and listed options

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Brutus Ticker Groups

Penny-Increment Options

Some underlying stocks and ETFs participate in the CBOE’s Penny-Increment Options program which allows the options to trade on price increments of $0.01 vs. the standard $0.05 or higher. These stocks and ETFs usually offer great options liquidity and tight bid/ask spreads.

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